Christian Identity: Corulers with Christ

Embracing Our God-Given Identity

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of our true identity and purpose. As believers, it’s crucial to understand who we are in God’s eyes and to live out that identity with confidence and faith. The Bible offers us a profound understanding of our identity, which goes beyond the labels and roles society may place upon us.

Created in God’s Image and Likeness

Every human being, regardless of their background or beliefs, is created in God’s image and likeness. This fundamental truth means that each person is inherently valuable and deserving of respect. While society may often suggest that respect must be earned, the Bible teaches us that simply by being made in God’s image, we are worthy of honor and dignity.

Children of God Through New Birth

For those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, the Bible declares that we are not only created in God’s image but also born again as His children. This new birth is a spiritual transformation that brings us into a deeper relationship with God. However, it’s important to note that not everyone is automatically a child of God; this status is reserved for those who have been spiritually reborn through faith in Christ.

Adopted Sons and Daughters with Responsibility

As we grow in our faith, God invites us to step into the role of adopted sons and daughters, taking on more responsibility in His kingdom. Just as earthly parents gradually entrust their children with more responsibility as they mature, our Heavenly Father expects us to grow spiritually and take on the responsibilities of discipleship, service, and stewardship.

Co-Workers and Co-Rulers with Christ

The Bible also describes us as co-workers and co-rulers with Christ. This means that God has given us authority and responsibility to partner with Him in His work on earth. We are called to reign in life, not by our own power, but through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness that we receive through Jesus Christ. However, reigning in life requires us to first rule over our own passions, emotions, and desires, aligning them with God’s will.

Training and Endurance

Like athletes training for a competition or soldiers preparing for battle, we must endure hardship and discipline to grow into our full identity in Christ. This process is not automatic; it requires effort, dedication, and a willingness to submit our will to God’s. As we mature in our faith, we are better equipped to fulfill our role as co-rulers with Christ, exercising His authority and manifesting His kingdom on earth.

Living Out Our Identity

Understanding and embracing these levels of identity is not just about knowledge; it’s about transformation. We must internalize these truths, speak them over our lives, and live as though they are true. This means actively reigning over our own lives, making choices that reflect our identity as God’s children, and using the resources He has given us to build His kingdom.

In conclusion, our identity in Christ is multifaceted and powerful. We are created in His image, reborn as His children, entrusted with responsibility as adopted sons and daughters, and called to be co-workers and co-rulers with Him. By embracing these truths and living them out, we can experience the fullness of life that God intends for us and make a meaningful impact in the world around us.