ACC Origins

Our purpose is to minister the Bible – the Word of God – to children, youth and adults. We
believe it is God’s authoritative message to man, presenting Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth,
and the Life.

We are a fundamental, Bible believing church that is related to other Apostolic Christian Churches in
the United States and Canada, plus others in some foreign countries.

Our church has an aggressive missionary program, supporting various home and foreign
missionary interests. This support is normally channeled through the International Apostolic
Christian Church Foundation, Inc., or through the Portland Evangelization Committee, Portland,
Oregon. Foreign missions solely supported by the church are located in Africa, Papua New
Guinea and several South American countries, including several orphanages, medical facilities
and schools.

The government of the church is vested in the membership which in turn selects and ordains
Elders and Ministers in each church to apply themselves to its spiritual direction and growth. The
major portion of the church’s work, such as the youth and junior activities groups, and the Sunday
Bible schools, etc., is carried on by a number of members of the church.

The government of the church is vested in the membership which in turn selects and ordains
Elders and Ministers in each church to apply themselves to its spiritual direction and growth. The
major portion of the church’s work, such as the youth and junior activities groups, and the Sunday
Bible schools, etc., is carried on by a number of members of the church.

Membership in the Apostolic Christian Church is open to individuals who have repented of their former lives, have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, and who are in agreement with the purpose and
beliefs of the church.

New members are received into the church by giving testimony to the
church of the new life they have received through conversion and faith in Christ Jesus, and after
experiencing baptism of water and of the Holy Spirit.