Launch Small Group (Bimonthly)

Small Groups

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  • West Richland
  • 2024-08-28
  • Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM

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Launch Small Group (Bimonthly)

Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM
August 28, 2024


Launch Small Group (Bimonthly)

Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM
August 28, 2024


Group Leaders: Mike and Amy Kanyid

Our group, “Launch”, meets Wednesdays (bimonthly) at 7 pm in West Richland  at the Kanyid’s house.

During the next few months, our goals are to get to know each other, to take the opportunity to pursue authentic friendships, to have spiritual growth, and to have intentional involvement in the community around us. 

We will be journeying through the Old Testament and learning how God’s people established their identities.  Despite temptations, shame, and consequences from the choices of trusting in themselves rather than God, the Creator never abandoned His people. 

None of us want to look like we’re one kind of person but really be someone else underneath. Drifting away from God happens slowly, and it can be hard to notice when it’s happening to us. With Launch, we will take to heart three prayers that are key to help guard and defend us from drifting and shape the choices we make in life. 

God promised to one day restore things to the way He intended. It always takes time and sacrifice to get there. Through the Abrahamic Covenant, we’ve seen God’s plan of redemption and we’ll look at some remarkable examples of how faith can have an amazing impact on our lives.